

Update date:07-10-2005
Create date:04-10-2005
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MSH Own1 Icon theme Preview 10-23-2000

10-23-2000 (13 Cursors, 247 icons):
This is my first icon set... but I think it's going to turn out pretty well :)
As you proberly can see, I'm inspired by the Copland's fabulous icon set!
I would like to hear what you think of this set! Please feel free to drop me a mail <alanadin@post8.tele.dk> :)

Note: This is PREVIEW of the final set.
I still have alot to do.. sorry for the strange filenames...!
- Make up some fancy name for the set
- Make 16x16 versions for the remaining icons
- Make more icons for common used programs
- Align filetype boxes to be in same height
- Rename all icons

*** How to install... ***

Sorry I haven't made a installation program,
so you have to manually configure your system.
I have included instructions how this is done,
but I will take no responsibility if you damage
your system!

*** Drives Set ***
Harddisk and floppy drive icons with drive
letters, so you easily can identify your drives.

To use the hardisk icons make a new text file in
the root of your drive and call it "autorun.inf"
In this text file you write:


If you haven't given a different path to the
icon, you copy the icon HD-?.ico to the root of
the drive.
Now when you look in the My Computer Window, the
icon of the drive should have changed to HD-?.ico

Installing the floppy icon, coming later...

*** IMAGES Set ***
A collection of icons to associate with different
image files like: GIF, IFF, IMG, JPG, PIC.

How to install...
Open your Windows Start Menu and click Settings,
and then Folder Options.
Now you will get a window up on your screen where
you can modify the explorer. Now click on the
File Type Fane. This will bring up a list of all
the different filetypes installed on your system.
Scroll down and find one of the filetypes:
GIF, IFF, IMG, JPG, PIC. Highlight it and click
the Edit button.
This will bring up a new window, showing the settings
for the selected filetype. In the top you'll see
a button called "Change Icon..." Click it!
Now you can by the dialogs find the icon file:
<file type>.ico on your system. Click ok
and close all the dialogs.
Now the icon for the selected filetype should be
changed to the icon you chosed.
If not, try again or restart Windows. The displayed
icons usually get mixed up when you tamper with the

*** SND & Music Set ***
Used for sound files like:

You install them same way described above...

*** Special Folders ***
Icons for misc. folders

THX to Copland for all the great icons... :)
find more icons at http://www.copland-icons.com/

COPYRIGHT � 1999-2000 Alanadin
All icons are made by Alanadin. This is freeware for personal and uncommercial use.
Distribute freely as long you keep the contents of the file unaltered.

Contact Information:

Email: alanadin@post8.tele.dk
ICQ: 3182856
HOMEPAGE: http://home8.inet.tele.dk/alanadin
